Located in the heart of the Vietnamese metropolis of Ho Chi Minh City, “Deutsches Hausâ€, an important lighthouse project of the Federal Republic of Germany in Vietnam, and a symbol reflecting the enormous importance of the long-term and close relationships between both countries, is scheduled to open in August 2017.

Located in the heart of the Vietnamese metropolis of Ho Chi Minh City, “Deutsches Haus”, an important lighthouse project of the Federal Republic of Germany in Vietnam, and a symbol reflecting the enormous importance of the long-term and close relationships between both countries, is scheduled to open in August 2017.
The premium-grade office building which has won several awards for its architecture and energy-efficiency design will unite the German Consulate General, German organizations and representatives of the German business under one roof.
For the German economy, a representative office at Deutsches Haus will offer many opportunities. It will enable companies to benefit substantially from the Free Trade Agreement between the EU and Vietnam, which is set to come into effect in 2018, and also grant European companies access to the huge ASEAN free trade zone. Vietnam is strategically located in the center of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). Deutsches Haus will therefore also become an economic and cultural centre of German activities in the ASEAN region.
Due to the intense cooperation between Ho Chi Minh City and Leipzig, the city of Leipzig is much interested in presenting the economic and cultural cooperation of both cities at Deutsches Haus. The Office for Economic Development of Leipzig has been very active in Vietnam for many years and is in close contact with the German Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City and Deutsches Haus Ho Chi Minh Stadt Ltd., the operating company of the extraordinary office complex. Companies and institutions of the Leipzig region who are interested in a representative office at Deutsches Haus Ho Chi Minh City, may contact the Office of Economic Development of the city of Leipzig for further information.